Friday, August 30, 2024



It has been a long and adventurous challenge, but at last the English translation of my dark fantasy novel “Endometria” written and illustrated in 2007 is no more a fantasy. The eBook version including the illustrations of the first edition and new unreleased ones, the appendix with the backstory “The Veil of the Night” and several essays and notes is currently available on Amazon in Kindle format. Though, if you belong to those who still prefer to leaf through the rustling pages while smelling the fragrance of the freshly printed paper, don’t despair: the paperback version will be available shortly after. Having forgotten the years of the imprisonment by the Veil of Night, now Edel and Arnel reign on a new marquisate, far from the wars plaguing the realm of Lantaria. Despite their harmonious life, the epicenter of the chaos that is about to fall on the entire continent, is pulsating at the root of their love.

What’s the origin of the seed hidden inside the beak of the bird “franofelus”? Who are the acolytes of the Ancient Whisper? Why the monks of Garras have left their monastery to build new cathedrals in the city of Antalide? The ancient race of Aledani was really extinct along with their dark power? It will be up to Arnel to face, through his flesh, the hurricanes of memory in which the mystery of the “Eulatma children” is waiting to lash out.


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